Friday, November 5, 2010

Thankful for life!

I've seen a lot of my friends start up blogs lately and thought, "What the heck, why not?"  I've always been a writer-  I had a xanga in high school (geez, who else had one of those?) and after Christmas last year I had started a journal to Ariella. This will sort of be like the journal of our lives.

I've challenged myself this November to post one thing that I'm thankful for, leading up to Thanksgiving.  I missed day 1, so Day 2 for me was the gift of Salvation.  There's nothing like knowing you have hope!  Hope in a God who sees all things and knows all things.  Most days it's hard to let go and just let God handle the issues but it's nice to know that even when I fail because of my stubbornness, He's always there to catch me!  That brings me so much comfort!  If you don't know God on a personal level, I encourage you to find a church.  There is a Heavenly Father who loves you, no matter what your faults or weaknesses and He's waiting with arms out stretched for you! 

Day 3 was thankfulness for my husband :)  We met when I was just a teenager in high school.  When I fell for him, I fell hard.  We have had ups and downs and it seems like the first few years of our relationship, there were more downs than ups because of things that were going on around us.  But even being so young, we both new we had found "the one" and those challenges we faced only made us stronger.  I look at him now, more than 6 years later, and I still see that blue-eyed boy that stole my heart.  We've been married 2 years now and we have a gorgeous little girl and God couldn't have written our story any better!  God has blessed us immensly and I can't wait to see what surprises He has in store for us down the road!  Baby, thank you for choosing me to hold your hand as we take this journey called life, I love you more everyday!

Day 4 of course was thankfulness for my little Ariella.  There's a background story to this little miracle.  I had gone to the dr. early in September of 2009 and she had told me that due to some issues, I wouldn't be able to conceive easy, if at all.  My world shattered that day.  All I have EVER wanted out of life was to be a mom.  We sought God and we people in our church praying and we let it go and gave it up to God.  That was the HARDEST thing for me to do, give up the only dream I had and say, "God whatever your plan is, I'm ok with it."  To make a long story short, God blessed us (dispite what the doctors deemed impossible) and by the end of September I had a postive pregnancy test in my hand!  If I said thank you every waking second of the day, it still wouldn't be enough!  Ariella has brought such joy, love and laughter to our home!  She's only been alive for 5 months but it feels like she's always been here.  My sweet daughter, I love you more than I can express with words!

Day 5:  Today I'm thanking God for my family.  My biological family, family that I married into and those friends that have turned into family.  Like I said on facebook, they have all helped shape me into the woman I am today.  Some brought challenges into my life that I had to overcome but with every challenge, God has taught me something new and for that I can't help but be thankful!  You all have been my backbone at times or have prayed with me or for me when I didn't have the strength to go on.  I thank God for all the things I've learned from you all along the way! :)

That's it for today, it's just about time to head home to see my sweet husband and little girl!  Enjoy your weekend!

Until next time,
Ang :)

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